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Harrison Pensa - Personal Injury

Contingency Fees

519-679-96608:00-5:00, Monday-Friday
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We represent injured persons on a contingency fee basis in most personal injury and medical/dental/professional malpractice cases. This means that we will not be paid any legal fees unless we recover compensation for your injuries and losses. Our fees are usually charged as a percentage of the monetary compensation paid to you. The fee percentage charged will depend on several factors, including the nature of your injuries, the risks involved in your case, and whether your claim settles or proceeds to trial or arbitration.

The Law Society of Ontario requires law firms to publish the maximum fee percentage that they charge. At Harrison Pensa LLP, the maximum fee percentage that we charge for personal injury cases is 30%. For medical/dental/professional malpractice cases, which are usually complex, the maximum fee that we charge is 35%. Your fee may be lower depending on the nature of your case.

The Law Society of Ontario has prepared a consumer guide that explains contingency fees:

Contingency Fees: What you Need to Know — A Guide from the Law Society of Ontario

Harrison Pensa

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