Kate Bennett

Practice areas:
- Adoption,
- Child Protection,
- Contact with Children,
- Decision-Making Responsibility,
- Domestic Contracts,
- Family Law,
- Litigation,
- Parenting Time,
- Separation and Divorce,
- Spousal and Child Support,
- Surrogacy Law
The practice of family law, in particular, requires compassion, patience, and, most importantly, pragmatism; my preference is always to take a reasonable and practical approach to the resolution of cases.
Kate provides guidance and legal assistance to clients; often during one of the most difficult periods of their lives. She gives thorough and frank advice, enabling clients to make fully informed decisions about how to resolve the challenging and complex issues related to the end of a marriage or relationship.
Kate provides her clients with honest assessments about the costs and benefits of the various process options available to them in litigation, negotiation, or various alternative dispute resolution. Serving the interests of her clients is her top priority.
Harrison Pensa LLP
2022 - Present
Harrison Pensa LLP
2009 - 2022
Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Arts, Honours Political Science