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Harrison Pensa LLP
A group of people working together in a warehouse.

Charities & Not-for-Profits

519-679-96608:00-5:00, Monday-Friday
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Legal Clarity for Charities & Not-for-Profits

Philanthropy is a noble pursuit, but charities and not-for-profits face their share of red tape and legal considerations. That can interfere with the ability to focus on the good and remain energized about your mission.

Harrison Pensa has a long history of representing private and public charities and local, national, and international not-for-profit organizations. We can assist with applying for registered charity status, incorporating not-for-profits, advising on-going operations (governance, planning, fundraising, and donations), as well as managing the charitable giving of high-net-worth individuals.

Helping charities and not-for-profit organizations, including:

  • Hospitals and health care service agencies
  • Professional governing bodies & associations
  • Community service agencies
  • Universities, colleges & private schools
  • Private and community foundations
  • Religious organizations
  • Athletic associations
  • Art organizations
  • Environmental groups
  • Children’s camps
Harrison Pensa

Be charitable.
