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Harrison Pensa LLP
A hockey team is posing for a team photo.

London Knights Fans and Official Lawyers

We could hold meetings at our Downtown London office. It’s more fun to host clients or treat staff at our box at Budweiser Gardens.

Harrison Pensa lawyers are the official lawyers of the London Knights. For over 10 years, we have been a proud sponsor, supporting the annual Free Skate hosted by Investing in Children. And every December, our Personal Injury Law group fills the box with teddy bears, food and refreshments to host families through the Children’s Health Foundation during the annual Teddy Bear Toss.

Aligning ourselves with the Knights helps us spread our message that we’re a local business that contributes to the community in a positive way. We’re a long-time Downtown London business. Lawyers, students, staff and management live and work in the city and surrounding areas.

Our connection to the London Knights organization is a proud one for us. It’s a celebration of sport and a way for us to connect with clients, colleagues and the community.

Harrison Pensa

Community matters.
