Providing creditors' rights
Restructuring, Insolvency, and Bankruptcy Law at Harrison Pensa include a unique Integrated Recovery Services group that provides creditors’ rights services to Canadian and American financial institutions.
Our centralized national service model includes lawyers based in London, Ontario with a lawyer licensed to practice law in all provinces other than Quebec where we have a long-time agent and partner prepared to assist with litigation.
Integrated Recovery Services currently performs secured and unsecured collection services on a fixed fee and contingency basis for Canadian “Schedule A” Financial Institutions, American Financial Institutions, Automobile Finance Companies, and Private Corporations to collect outstanding debt.
Commitment to Information Security
Harrison Pensa receives an annual SOC 2 Type II audit report confirming operational excellence and commitment to the security and privacy of sensitive data. We consistently review how we collect, manage, and secure client data, and have 100% personnel participation in LTC4 Security and Security Awareness training competencies to reduce cybersecurity risks and to comply with client and audit requirements. Details are found in our Data Security Commitment.
Harrison Pensa formed the Integrated Recovery Services Group in 2002 in response to a financial institution looking for a national solution for the management of legal collections. We developed various proprietary software: to automate the production of standard form collection and legal documentation; to manage enforcement and reporting, including an electronic portal that allows Integrated Recovery Services to communicate with clients and each other; and to manage a national portfolio of secured and unsecured collections. Staff includes law clerks, collectors, software developers and skip tracing.
Integrated Recovery Services handles:
- Front-end collections
- Litigation
- Post-judgment enforcement
- Recovery of secured assets
IRS Group
If you received a phone call from one of the numbers listed below, please contact our IRS Group with the phone number that you were provided:
- 1-855-464-0119
- 1-855-564-4519
- 1-833-944-0604
- 1-855-370-6584
- 1-855-743-3910